
Abuse in Care Royal Commission of Inquiry 

Last week marked a significant week in the life of the Church in Aotearoa, with the release of the final report from the Abuse in Care Royal Commission of Inquiry. 

If you are the leader of a Christian charitable organisation, it is important that you understand the findings and recommendations from this report. 

Charlotte Cummings has specialist knowledge in this area and has put together a video message offering some key points to aid your reflection. 

The Commission's report is entitled 'Whanaketia - through pain and trauma, from darkness to light'. We pray that light will come in our nation, through the work of this Inquiry. 

Our policy manual

We have recently been working to update our Wilberforce Foundation policies. We know that writing policies and keeping policies up to date is a challenge for many charitable organisations we are connected with. So, we have decided to make our Policy Manual available for download from our website. 

This manual also includes our Code of Conduct, which is a key document for our team. 

Please note, you will need to do our own due diligence in making policies fit for purpose for your setting, and the Wilberforce Foundation accepts no liability should you choose to utilise any part of this Policy Manual. 

We are also happy to share an editable version of this document, for ease of use. Feel free to contact us, if this would be useful for you. 

We will be adding more policies over the coming months. 

Wilberforce Foundation Lunch & Learn

Fundraising Special

Everyone who attends the webinar will be invited to join one of three learning streams to continue their learning. There will be 10 places in each group.

  1. Working group guided by Bruce Waldin focussed on developing or updating your fundraising strategy.

  2. Working group guided by Jenny Caston focussed on developing or updating your Gifts in Wills programme.

  3. Working group centred around a Team Moceanic digital membership with regular catch-ups supported by Melanie Grace.

The groups will meet monthly from November through to April. The meetings will be an opportunity for you to learn from an expert and develop personalised plans for your organisation.

For more information about each group, including the meeting dates, please click the link below. 

Wilberforce Foundation Lunch & Learn

Is there a place for me? Embracing Disabled People in an Organisational Setting.

Here are some resources for further reading.

Nga Here Podcast – The Many Connections

Ngā Here - The Many Connections, is a podcast jointly funded by the Wilberforce Foundation and Scripture Union New Zealand. It explores the many connections that exist between creation, the Bible and living in Aotearoa.

Host James Beck explores what the Bible might have to say about the way we live and the way we care for creation. There are currently two seasons of Ngā Here - The Many Connections, with a third season currently in production.

You can listen to Ngā Here - The Many Connections on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.

Faith & Belief Report 2023

We are delighted to have now released the reports from the 2023 Faith and Belief Study, Te Patapātai Whakapono.

This is a national study of faith and spirituality in Aotearoa New Zealand. The research explores the hopes, fears, and longings of people living in this nation, how they engage with spirituality and religious faith, and our society’s current perceptions of Christianity, Jesus, and the church. Two studies have now been completed – one in 2018, and another in 2023. The studies were commissioned by the Wilberforce Foundation and undertaken by the independent research firm McCrindle. Each of the studies involved a nationally representative survey as well as focus group discussions to better understand the key insights that emerged through the survey.

On this website you will see reports from both the 2018 and 2023 studies.

These pieces of research are commissioned and made available to spark discussion in communities across Aotearoa New Zealand, and it is our hope that they are of value to you.

Also available is a short highlights video from our combined launch alongside the New Zealand Church Life Survey, as well as a full video from our Christchurch launch event.

Faith & Belief Report 2023